Friday, November 13, 2015

Selling on eBay Diary November 13th

I'm kind of embarrassed because I haven't kept up with leaving feedback for my customers! When I was a member buying and selling without using an eBay Store, I had feedback reminders at the top of the landing page. I set up a Basic Store in October (free for the first month to give it a try-I'm still a Tightwad after all!), I no longer have the feedback reminders at the top.  I've made myself a note to call eBay and find out how to make these more apparent in the Selling Manager.

I have 100% positive feedback, but don't always have happy customers.  I take it all in stride as part of doing business and appreciate those who take the time to leave feedback and try to be nice to those who aren't happy anyway.

Once in a while I get feedback that really makes me smile!  I work very hard to have the top customer service.  I iron the clothes before shipping, wrap them in tissue paper and insert a handwritten Thank You card.  My husband thinks I spoil my customers!  I want them to feel spoiled, I say!

What has been your favorite or best feedback buying or selling on eBay? I would love to hear your responses!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Selling on eBay Diary November 12th

I added up my sales as of yesterday and will make Top Rated Seller this month!  If you're new to eBay selling or you are considering selling, this is the first goal to set! I've been selling for about a year and a half.  I met all the criteria last December, called to ask when I would see this distinction show on my eBay membership and found out about the bane of a Sellers' existence, The Defect.  What's a defect I asked? After I was walked through the process of looking at these, I was crushed!  I had 100% positive feedback, how in the world did I have defects?

I didn't know that cancelling a transaction would cause me a problem with eBay.  This leads me to my next subject:  The Unpaid Assistant.  eBay allows buyers to purchase or win bids without immediately paying for the item.  I had several not pay at all, so I thought I could simply re-list and move on.  Not true.  eBay requires the buyer REQUEST a cancellation and even though I sent a couple of messages through eBay's system, I would re-list with confidence because the Buyer obviously didn't want the item.  NOT OKAY, says eBay.  I turned on the "Unpaid Assistant" and now a year later, all those defects have finally come off making me eligible again to build my sales to achieve Top Rated Seller.

To the Buyers, please understand when you wait to pay, the Seller is required to hold this item for you for a total of 9 days.  If you do not reply to eBay's prompts to pay or cancel, you will also receive a defect.  You will not however, receive any restrictions to your account if you simply contact the seller and request to cancel.  Most sellers will agree, since no money has been exchanged and nothing has been shipped. No harm no foul!

I hope you can learn something about selling or shopping on eBay today since we have Black Friday coming up!  I belong to a Facebook group called The Thrifting Board and one of our admins asked us to set a new challenge today for two weeks.  My goal is to have 200 total listings available including 25 toys, games or Christmas gifts.  I will keep you posted on my progress!  What have you planned for Black Friday?

Monday, November 9, 2015

eBay Seller Diary Nov 9th

My husband does most of the purchasing while I take care of the listings and the marketing.  Its such a genuine thrill to find a bargain, clean up the item a bit, list the item(s) on eBay and sell them for a profit. There is a little bell at the top right of the eBay Member page that lights up with there is a sale, its such a thrill to sign in and see that thing lit up! And have a big number!  My highest notification number has only been 4 (partially because I check frequently) but we'll be in double digits soon enough.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Selling on eBay

While I am still very interested in blogging about being a Tightwad, and all things Frugal, I am taking my Tightwaddery into a new direction.  I have been selling on eBay now for over a year and have maintained an average of about $150 a month in profit.  I started out wanting to just clean out closets and drawers without having an actual yard sale and turn these items into extra spending money.  My approach up until about a month ago, was very part time and more in the vein of a hobby than a job or actual income making scheme.

About a month ago or so, my husband found a watch at a garage sale for a $1.  The watch didn't fit me so I listed it on eBay and sold it for $86.  It was at this point that my eBay "hobby" got his attention.  With his help, I have now opened a Basic Store on eBay (free the first month) and have built up a modest inventory of about 150 items, up from about 40 items.  My profit in October rose to $260, so its coming along nicely.

I am changing the tone a little of my blog to the life and times of selling on eBay and hope you will find these posts useful and amusing as I grow my little fledgling of a business.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Tightwad Diary June 4

My favorite Tightwad subject is Tightwad math!  I recently participated in a Facebook Tupperware Party hosted by a young lady I went to church with when my husband and I lived in Edmond, Oklahoma.  My husband started a new job recently and to save time (and out of a little laziness) we bought some pre-packaged individual servings of pudding, peaches and tomato juice.  So what's a Tightwad doing looking through a Tupperware website?  It's super expensive and small sour cream containers work, too.

Well, let's do the math!  Buying full size cans of tomato juice, whole peaches and packages of pudding to be made at home would save about $6 per month for the Hub's lunches.  The set of four 4 oz containers from Tupperware cost $15 plus tax and shipping which is a little less than $20.  These have a long term guarantee ( and I expect without losing the lids, they will last about 7 years in their same condition, maybe longer.  I only look at my Tightwad math annually, so $6 multiplied by 12 months is $72 dollars.  I certainly made a good purchase of $20 to save $72.

So, what happened to the small sour cream containers? What's wrong with them? While I still re-use these and other containers like Cottage Cheese or Avacado Dip containers for short term storage in the refrigerator, they are not microwave safe (follow this link to learn more and because they don't seal well, there's spillage and spoilage to consider. Tupperware is both microwave and dishwasher safe, so I bought these with confidence! 

How do you figure when to spend and when to recycle? Share your Tightwad Math stories here! I'd love to hear them.